Back Pain Treatment in Dardenne Prairie

If you are living with chronic back pain then chiropractic care in Dardenne Prairie might be a good treatment option. As you can imagine, most of the back pain patients who step through the doors of one of our wellness studios are seeking relief from a chiropractor for musculoskeletal disorders. Whether its low back pain, mid-back pain, upper back pain or even neck pain, one of these is typically the primary concern upon initial consult, even with our pediatrics patients. According to the U.S. Department of Labor Occupations Safety and Health Administration, musculoskeletal disorders cost the nation up to $50 billion a year and account for the vast majority of on the job injuries.
Back Pain in Dardenne Prairie
When it comes to musculoskeletal disorders there can be numerous different causes including repetitive motion, forceful exertions, awkward posture, contact stress, and/or vibration. In addition to symptoms such as low back pain, mid-back pain, and neck pain, the patients may be suffering from numbness and tingling in the hands or feet, swelling or inflammation, burning sensations, and stiffness. It is our job as a chiropractor to wade through these various symptoms and find the source of the problem.
Low back pain specifically, has been a major problem for a great percentage of the population. Back pain cases definitely seem to be on the rise, as are headache cases. Whether people work at a desk or are required to lift heavy objects all day long, anyone can fall victim to low back pain. There are many factors that may be at play, and at Midwest Family Wellness we perform a full analysis to take into account all factors. For example, the source of the pain, in many cases, is misalignments (also known as subluxations) in the lumbar spine or pelvic region. Sometimes these subluxations have caused enough degeneration to cause irritation or pressure on the intervertebral discs. This in turn can cause irritation to the nerves in the low back which may lead to sciatica. Not to mention potential muscular and ligament involvement, which may need to be addressed.
As mentioned earlier, neck pain can also be a very debilitating condition as well. Many times, those people who are stuck at a desk throughout the day fall victim. We see students, office administrators, and IT professionals all complaining of pain and tension in their neck and upper back. This tension can also be a source of headaches for some. Just like with patients who present to the office with low back pain, we seek to find the source or sources of the problem. We need to find if there are subluxations in the neck, if they have the proper lordotic curve in the neck, if they have forward head posture which can cause a lot of pressure in the neck and upper back, and also whether or not they have tension throughout the muscles in their neck and upper back region.
What next?
When patients sit down with one of the back pain doctors at Midwest Family Wellness, we begin by having them sit down and visit with a chiropractor and review their complete personal and family history. We then delve into the specifics of their chief complaint, whether it’s low back pain, neck pain, headaches, or a variety of other conditions. Using this information, we can determine the proper testing that needs to be run. This testing includes thermography, spinal range of motion, static EMG, x-rays, orthopedic tests, and palpation. Using the findings from these tests we can then develop the appropriate course of action for removing the pain and returning function to their body through corrective care.
Our final recommendations for care are based on each individual’s needs. For a patient with neck pain, they may require chiropractic adjustments, ice, cervical traction, muscle therapy, ART®, massage, rehabilitation, exercises and stretches. If a patient is dealing with LBP they may need a course of chiropractic adjustments, ice, lumbar traction, flexion/distraction, muscle therapy, ART®, massage, rehabilitation, exercises, and stretches. Visits may need to be frequent in the beginning, and then once the pain diminishes and the vertebrae begin to hold their proper place, visits progressively taper off.
If you, or a friend, have been suffering from low back or neck pain, chiropractic can be a great source of relief. Proper care, which we provide here at Midwest Family Wellness, can result in the first relief in pain for years. We find that a lot of patients are finally able to get through a day of work without pain, get out and enjoy the fun activities that they’ve been unable to perform, and even just get a good night’s sleep. The best thing is that after our back pain doctors have corrected the source of the problem, you don’t have to worry about the pain coming right back.
9:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
By Appointment
Midwest Family Wellness
1755 Stump Road
Dardenne Prairie, MO 63368