Testing Patients Grip Strength

Here at the office, we perform semi-regular tests of patients’ grip strength. The device we use is called a dynamometer, but most of our patients affectionately refer to it as the “gripper” or the “squeezer”. Most patients enjoy seeing what their grip strength is, but many often ask us “why are you testing my grip strength, aren’t you just concerned with my spine?” The answer lies within several studies that have shown that grip strength strongly correlates with the function of the entire body.

One system of the body that we are especially focused on is the nervous system. We are currently working with several patients who are dealing with nerve issues relating to the lower portion of their neck. These nerves eventually form the brachial plexus and then branch off to different parts of the arm, hands, and fingers. It makes sense that if there is interference to the nerves that control the arm, hands, and fingers that this would affect one’s grip strength.
By performing a grip strength test on their initial visit, and then regularly testing grip strength, we can determine if our program of care is working for this individual. There are also studies that show a correlation between grip strength and the function of other systems of the body. One study showed that when the endocrine system is not functioning properly, that grip strength will be reduced. Another showed a correlation between a decrease in grip strength in those dealing with diabetes. The current state of your health can also have an effect. Those who have recently experienced reduced quality of sleep, reduced quality of nutrition, or ingested larger amounts of alcohol scored lower in grip strength than normal. Grip strength also correlates with musculoskeletal injuries. Those dealing with rotator cuff injuries tend to have a lower grip strength on the injured side. Once again, testing and then retesting grip strength can show whether the therapy is appropriate and also show the patient that they are making progress.
So don’t be surprised if you walk into our office one day and we hand you a dynamometer and tell you to squeeze as hard as you can. We aren’t just concerned with how strong your hands are, we are using it to determine how well your body is operating in general. We can not only use it to evaluate the appropriateness of our care, but it will also allow you to see how well you are progressing and provide you with a specific goal to work toward.
9:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
By Appointment
Midwest Family Wellness
1755 Stump Road
Dardenne Prairie, MO 63368